Emily and Mommy drove to Chicago the end of March (yes, I haven't posted in a while) with Tad's sister Noel and Emily's cousin Johnny. Let me tell you, they are GOOD travelers! Only once,
OK maybe 10 times, did Emily ask, "are we there yet?" They kept very busy reading, playing games, telling jokes and watching movies in the car. We did a lot in a short time. We saw Wrigley Field and the ORIGINAL
McDonald's! We toured the Field Museum where the kids saw a lot of interesting artifacts, walked up and down Michigan Ave., did some shopping and had a chocolate treat at the Hershey's store. We spent an entire day at Navy Pier-wow, there is so much to do there! We saw a magician, went through a fun maze that was wicked, and even saw a 3-D movie called 'Wild Ocean'. That was "cool" according to the kids! We took a super fast elevator up to the 94
th floor of the John Hancock building and could see for 80 miles and view 4 states! The kids also had a FUN time at the hotel...jumping on the beds, pillow fights and of course swimming!!! It was a wonderful trip-sure to be
remembered. Thanks Noel!