Thursday, May 8, 2008

No Dog Today

Our puppy missed her flight!! That's right, a little illness in the family and the puppies didn't make their flights out to their new homes. So, we had to break the sad news to Emily and she didn't take it very well. Our hopes are broken at least for today. We went out to dinner and we all had wonderful meals and dessert! Sure to put a smile on the kid's faces!

Anyways, we go to bed still a little dissapointed, but TOMORROW Kysa will arrive (cross your fingers). They booked another flight for 2pm arrival in MN. Tad will pick up Emily early from school (she hopes before phy ed class cause she doesn't like phy ed) then they'l go to the airport together and meet Kysa for the first time face to face! or lick to lick! haha! :-)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

35yrs...Older Than Dirt!

"35 years...Older Than Dirt!" That is the button that my sisters gave me to wear on my birthday. Aren't they sweet?!? We had a great weekend celebrating my birthday and enjoying the warm weather that is FINALLY here! OH, forgot to mention that I was sick with Strep Throat. So, I did stay home and miss 1 party, but I'll just have to make up for that some other time. P.S. do you like the crocheted sweater? ya, never worn it before, have no idea where I got it, and since I was so sick, I couldn't have cared less what I wore. It screams OLD lady! haha!!! Here are a few photos.

P.S. ONE MORE DAY UNTIL KYSA ARRIVES!!! (we are excited and nervous--well, at least I am! It's more nerve wracking than having my first child!!)